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Moving on!

Hi, hey, hello and peace!

I've been meeting lots of people, and a "common" question is:
"How are you? Are you okay? I mean is your healthy okay?"

So I'm here to say some things about my how I am moving on!

When you finish your cancer treatment you think "everything is gonna be perfect" but, guess what? It's just normal. You have the same problems, you have the same situations to deal with and of course, the same questions to be asked!

So you're probably thinking "Has his life changed? How?"
The answer is YES! But I think it didn't change in the way you're thinking. My life's changed because I changed not just me, my goals too.

If  I could compare my ''old life'' with the new one, I'd say that this life is more colorful, and happier, and healthier and more beautiful than the old life I used to live. But it's not just these things... I think my life now is full of little details that I didn't pay attention before, I mean in this second opportunity I have I'm trying to be happier because I gotta new life to live, which means I suppose have to live it at all, I mean not just the big Ds but the small ones too.

Eistein once said : "A calm and modest life brings more happiness than a pursuit of success combined with restlessness" that means we must find happiness in the small things, in the people around us, the food in ours meals, to the person we fall in love with, it doesn't matter who's this person.

Don't you see? Our souls are screaming to be happy but we still are wasting our time trying to find money, wealth, perfect princess or prince charming, a kind of perfect love that doesn't exist because every single person has their faults and we need to accept that in each person we meet.

So if someone asks me: "How did your life change?"

I'll just answer: My life didn't change at all, but I did! I've moved on because I changed the way I see myself and my life, miserable or not, rich or not, happy or not, in love or not, it doesn't matter.. what really matters is what I am going to do with that, and I'll probably move on, move forward, always and forever!

See ya.


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