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Hi, Hey, Hello and Peace!

Sometimes we think we can help  psychologically someone by saying something and supporting them as family or friends, but I'm afraid sometimes it isn't enough.
When you're dealing with cancer patient you have to understand you're dealing with someone who's be with a damage in body, soul and spirit then you must to be careful because you're trying to help so you don't wanna make more damage as well.

Your first thought probably is: "I'll support this (beloved) person with all I have and I won't leave it alone because it needs me and I'll be useful, I'll kiss, I'll hug and make good conversations." I guess this a great thought but, sometimes the cancer patient just wanna stay alone.

 Of course, maybe I'm wrong... I'm not the truth's owner but... Can I tell you a history?

When I've discovered that I was with cancer too many people came to me ''trying to help'' and I appreciated that, it was beautiful... I mean to see so many people caring about me, but could you imagine my situation? How was my head that time?
If you can't I'll tell you: I was devastated, angry, hating everything and everybody, actually almost everybody. I got so many anger I could beat someone, I wanted to... I remember I've gotten my house out and went to the corner to cry... I was there, crying and lamenting me of what that suppose meant.
So the days was passing and I just wanted to be alone, I'd not wanna talk and people don't understood me. It took about 2 months.
I guess, maybe a cancer patient likes to be alone because it's so many things to realize about it, cancer will change you life, actually, may stop it.... cancer will change you, may kill you... the cancer change your character, in other words, will change every single feature you have.
After that 2 "Dark Months" I was ready to talk, then I've searched to my sister to talk. Maybe I've searched her because she always was my best friend and she always understand me at all, till today. We have lots of secrets together and I felt okay about talk with she.

What I'm trying to say is: If you have some cancer patient in your life, please give it space, when this person get ready to talk, eventually it will talk!
And if you're the cancer patient, take your own time and don't worry with the future, fight with all you have! I'm sure you have what the cancer takes to win this battle. Just like I'm fighting for! If you think you don't have, ask to Jesus! He'll help you just like He did to me!
For me battles are an extreme demonstration of God's love for us. You are going through it because God loves you, just like He loves me. Maybe you're thinking "Am I passing for this situation because God loves me?" And the simplest answer is: YES.
I particularly like to see everything in my life like this, because every situation is teaching me something, because in the middle of all this mess I met wonderful people who helped me too much, I got family support, I've learn how to fight and reasons to do that, I've learn to be a better person, to care about the other people. If I haven't cross all this cancer and stuff I have a perfect sure: I wouldn't be like this, like I said above "cancer changes you".

Remember! Try one more time. Try always one more time!

In Christ. Junior Barreto


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