Hi, Hey, Hello and Peace!
Today is my Chemotherapy anniversary!
Yeah, I know it! It sounds weird! lol
But, what I mean is in exactly one year ago I was getting out of the hospital finishing my last chemotherapy, that one, called ICE Protocol, and I'm ALIVE!
If this is the first post you're reading I'd like to say welcome and read the others, because there're a lot of histories here, not just mine, but a lot of hospital's friends too.
Well, What do I feel now?
I don't actually know, but I think I feel free, like
Well, you all know my history because I've been telling you all for over a year and I've been seen a lot of witness saying lots of good things about this blog.
I'd like to say thank you all that have helped me in those dark days, principally say thank you to my family and relatives.
There's just one new thing I'd like to tell you.
In the end of the my treatment I was going to a church, as always, and how all of you know I've been learning a lot of things about LOVE, and I have realized that church could not help me with these new feelings and things that I've been trying to learn so I've decided to move on, I've decided to go to another congregation, and then, guess what?
I've visited a lot of churches and no one have had "that thing" I was hoping to find, and one day a student of mine said: "Teacher, you should come to my church... because we are alike what you are saying to me..." And next Sunday where was I? Exactly! In his church.
Well the service has started, the ministry of praise has started singing and I've started feeling something different and then the Pastor has started ministering the God's Words and the theme was LOVE! Exactly LOVE. The Pastor's said that the God's love can change everything and in that minute I've fell in love for that church and.... of course, I've moved to that one.
And then I've met a Youth Group Called Oásis (in English it means exactly the same, oasis) and I've started meeting the people and the Leadership, and also the leader a young boy called Filipe (In English is written Philipe) and he is already teaching me some stuff about Calvinism and, it's cool.... There's also a singer girl named Ana Maria (It's like Anna Marie, in English) and this girl is helping me a lot, by talking and stuff. There's a boy named Nícolas (is also written like the same in English) and he's teaching me how to sing tenor with the Choirs Regent named Jefferson (is also written like the same in English) and there're a lot of more people! But those wrote are the ones I have more kinship.
So, I can't explain how this church and these people is changing me.... I just don't feel lost anymore when I am among them.
I don't know if you go to a church, and I also don't know if you re feeling like I was feeling those days, but....
What I know is that you all can come to one church and find the answers that you have been trying to find!
You just have to figure out where and all the things are going to happen, just like it has happened with me!
I'm thankful for everything in this year!
I'm thankful for the 100,000 readers in more than 40 countries I've got!
I'm thankful for Jesus! Because He's giving me one more year!
Well, this is all folks!
Love all of you!
See ya in the next!
Today is my Chemotherapy anniversary!
Yeah, I know it! It sounds weird! lol
But, what I mean is in exactly one year ago I was getting out of the hospital finishing my last chemotherapy, that one, called ICE Protocol, and I'm ALIVE!
If this is the first post you're reading I'd like to say welcome and read the others, because there're a lot of histories here, not just mine, but a lot of hospital's friends too.
Well, What do I feel now?
I don't actually know, but I think I feel free, like
Well, you all know my history because I've been telling you all for over a year and I've been seen a lot of witness saying lots of good things about this blog.
I'd like to say thank you all that have helped me in those dark days, principally say thank you to my family and relatives.
There's just one new thing I'd like to tell you.
In the end of the my treatment I was going to a church, as always, and how all of you know I've been learning a lot of things about LOVE, and I have realized that church could not help me with these new feelings and things that I've been trying to learn so I've decided to move on, I've decided to go to another congregation, and then, guess what?
I've visited a lot of churches and no one have had "that thing" I was hoping to find, and one day a student of mine said: "Teacher, you should come to my church... because we are alike what you are saying to me..." And next Sunday where was I? Exactly! In his church.
Well the service has started, the ministry of praise has started singing and I've started feeling something different and then the Pastor has started ministering the God's Words and the theme was LOVE! Exactly LOVE. The Pastor's said that the God's love can change everything and in that minute I've fell in love for that church and.... of course, I've moved to that one.
And then I've met a Youth Group Called Oásis (in English it means exactly the same, oasis) and I've started meeting the people and the Leadership, and also the leader a young boy called Filipe (In English is written Philipe) and he is already teaching me some stuff about Calvinism and, it's cool.... There's also a singer girl named Ana Maria (It's like Anna Marie, in English) and this girl is helping me a lot, by talking and stuff. There's a boy named Nícolas (is also written like the same in English) and he's teaching me how to sing tenor with the Choirs Regent named Jefferson (is also written like the same in English) and there're a lot of more people! But those wrote are the ones I have more kinship.
So, I can't explain how this church and these people is changing me.... I just don't feel lost anymore when I am among them.
I don't know if you go to a church, and I also don't know if you re feeling like I was feeling those days, but....
What I know is that you all can come to one church and find the answers that you have been trying to find!
You just have to figure out where and all the things are going to happen, just like it has happened with me!
I'm thankful for everything in this year!
I'm thankful for the 100,000 readers in more than 40 countries I've got!
I'm thankful for Jesus! Because He's giving me one more year!
Well, this is all folks!
Love all of you!
See ya in the next!