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Starting to be a better person.

Hi, Hey, Hello and Peace!

I know, has a few weeks I haven't written but I was giving opportunities to my friends share their histories, but... I'm here now!

All this time I haven't written I was thinking about my life now. Thinking about how different my life is getting. Of course I came back to the college, to the church and to hang with my friends out. But, I feel different. I don't know for sure but it's like I'd have a mission to be done, a target to catch I don't know... I've thought "Maybe this is just on my mind" .... But if it isn't? I have to do something. I have to be a better person.

So, my first and most important question to myself was: How can I be a better person and what good people does to help other people? Well I realized I have to change myself first. I mean, Jesus made everything for me since the day I've born. He gave his blood on the Cross, when I was 8 years He became my father and I didn't understand first but He was watching all this time. Jesus became everything for me since the day I've born... How can I give that back? How be thankful to Jesus for everything He has made for me? Well, I see no better way then say His words for every single person I know! And I've realized "It's not that easy, because to say it, first I have to live it"
After a few days I was thinking (Yeah, I think a lot) and I've invited to Minister His Words at 2 churches, and I went there and I've made my best... But I'm still thinking that this isn't enough so how can I be a better person?

I was reading the Bible in 1 Sm 25 and there was David saying "The Lord which kept me back from hurting thee" because if David would hurt Saul he was about to make a sin, so God has stopped him. And I realized "OMG! If God did this to David, why can't God do the same for me?" and those words became my pray every day, but it still isn't enough.

To be a better person you have to fight against yourself, to fight against yourself you have to believe you can win, to believe you can win you have to have faith, to have faith you have to have hope, to have hope you need reasons to fight. So I've started to think what was on game, what were my reasons to fight and I could understand...

I'm not fighting just for myself, I still have reason to fight! I have to fight for my God, for my family, my friends and for all these people who doesn't know Jesus! I'm fighting to be batter person because Jesus needs me to give Him words to this whole world and I need to do this!

So I was with a new project, a new purpose  I thought that I was fighting with all I have... trying to be better, trying to do not do anything wrong, I'm giving of who I'm up, I'm forgetting my wishes and everything I want to be a better person, because Jesus said:"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." (Lc 9:23)... But, I still had that hole inside my heart, and I did not understand why...

This week I was talking with a friend, a freshman from my college who knows almost everything I'm trying to be and he said to me: "The feeling I have is you are between with your past and your future and you don't know what do you wanna choose as well" and I spend a dawn thinking about those words and guess what? He was right!!!

Now my must important battle is: make myself empty of who I was to then become to who I wanna be.... I'm starting  to be a better person. I'll never give up again! I don't know how do this yet. But I'll figure this out! 

If you are trying do the same, congrats the first step is done, if you don't... you should do it! 

In Christ, Junior Alencar Barreto


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