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Tomorrow is Unsure! (By Larissa Boaventura)

Hello People!!! Is everything ok ? I hope so!

First I would like to say that is a huge pleasure be here and tell a shorty part of my history to you.
This history started in September 2014. Yes! I had cancer! In the end of this history you'll understand why I am stating day after day it was the must sad experience and in the same time wonderful and value I ever had.

Once I've been working and I underwent my hand on my neck and I felt a relatively big nodule but it wasn't paining so I thought it couldn't be something dangerous. After a while I went the doctor to figure this out, but just for consciousness disengage and then I've made a biopsy to take this nodule out and get answers about it. When I went to the Doctor's Office with the results he looked at me an said: Larrisa, I have a bad new for you, you have cancer, but this cancer has a very high percentage of cure", it came as quite a shock to me and I thought: What? Why? Cancer? Lymphomas? What is this? I'm gonna die? I don't even know that this cancer exists and less than this, I've the first person in my whole family to get cancer.
The firsts days after you get knowledge you have cancer is days of mourning, of course! Because you think you will never through this up. But, can I say? Information is the secret to help you, because to understand what was that, how was the treatment, the symptoms and other stuff was very important to me. It made me keep my calm and be optimist.

I've made 6 seasons of ABVD chemotherapy and 20 seasons of radiotherapy, completing a year of treatment. In the begin everything seemed would last an eternity, like "it never gonna end", but with the treatment the symptoms started to disappear and after one year and one month after the and of my treatment I'm here, Without cancer giving my testify for you!

What I've learned? A lot of things, believe me ! Lots of!
The first and principal is to be thankful to the Lord, for everything I have, my family, my friends and everything at all. The almost Hospital Of Cancer living together it's a great life's lesson, I've met lots of people, worthy of  love and admiration people, people who touch me with their histories. I've made a lot of friends were in the same battle I was, friends I'll have for the rest of my life and in my heart (one of them is Junior lol) and I've got a great medical team.
Of course, during your treatment it hasn't all been good, like flowers, I've gotten bad days, days when I was very tired, days when I just wanted be alone and cry till all this matters over, and do you know? This is exactly what I did, I just give me permission to live that moments. The worst part to me, with absolutely sure was my hair loss, in contrast to many people say, to be it's not what hurts less.

In the same time when you meet good people who give you good and support words, exists bad people who say very bad and unnecessary words for you, things that all you need is "not hear" in this fragile moment about. People say those things without think even if a good intention to help you, but with time we learn how "not hear" this words.

The best sensation is when you finish your treatment and you can see your life getting normal again, I'm talking about health, job, college, hair lol... It's a very slowly process, but I've enjoyed every single sensation. When you have cancer you for sure learn to give more value for each moment, after all, when you see yourself running out of time because of your own life, you just realize how value and shorty is it, so... Can I say? Smile, enjoy, forgive, and love your neighbors with all your straight.

The tomorrow is very unsure to have so many worries, complain of everything and stopping to love.

Just to finish because I talked to much, lol... I give you my wish or advice for you who's  healthy: Donate Blood and Donate Bone Marrow; I'm not saying just because I've had cancer because I was blood and bone marrow donate before all this history, and now, I cannot do this anymore, BUT YOU CAN! So do it for you, for your neighbors, and for us. I'm sure, you won't regress about it.

Thank you all for your attention.
God Bless you.

Huge kiss

Larissa Boaventura


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